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Bunscoil an Iúir, Newry

Ceardlanna NSPCC/NSPCC Workshop

26ú Márta 2019

Tháinig an NSPCC chun na scoile le ceardlanna frith-bhulaíochta a chur ar fáil do pháistí R3 go dtí R7. D'fhoghlaim siad faoin straitéis "Stad, Siúl, Labhair" nuair atá rudaí ag tarlú atá ag cur isteach orthu. Tharraing siad conarthaí ranga le chéile chomh maith le go mbeidh a fhios ag gach duine an dóigh le bheith ag cuidiú le daoine eile nuair a mhothaíonn siad brónach.

The NSPCC visited the school to deliver Anti-Bullying workshops with the children from R3 to R7. We learned about the "Stop, Walk, Talk" strategy that we can use when something is bothering us. The children also drew up classroom contracts to help make us aware that sometimes others may feel sad in school and that there are ways we can help. It was a very interactive and enjoyable day. Our thanks to the NSPCC staff, Irene and Ineke.